

financial management limited

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present active cōgitō, present infinitive cōgitāre, perfect active cōgitāvī, supine cōgitātum

1.I think. 

2.I consider.

I needed high calibre financial and treasury skills fast; someone who would hit the ground running from day one and immediately start adding value. This we got when Patrick joined us.

I also needed financial leadership and someone who shared my vision of what is possible, someone who saw risks, but risks being something to manage and a determination to overcome, not something to hinder an organisation. Not always a common characteristic of Finance Directors.

Having these skills on my Executive Management Team enabled Irvine Housing Association to go beyond horizons many doubted possible.

That we were able to employ Patrick on a part-time basis meant we got great value too; important to a medium-sized organisation like mine.

My organisation got a great return on our investment.

Paul Hillard, CEO Irvine Housing Association

Homes for Haringey needed a combination of strategic financial leadership and a practical application to stabilise and see through a transformation of our organisation in a short period of time; and this we got when Patrick joined us.

Patrick's incisive diagnostics and challenge might not be for everyone other than those seriously concerned about improving, but was essential for Homes for Haringey to ensure we achieved very challenging objectives quickly.

Tear up your preconceptions of an archetypal Finance Director or Interim Manager before hiring Patrick. The technical stuff was dealt with with assurance, and I didn't need to worry about that. It was Patrick's focus on improvement to the frontline product and customer service made him different, and provided the perfect blend for what was the best Executive Management Team I've managed.

Add to that some great laughs and support and I'm sure others will enjoy as much benefit as we did at Homes for Haringey.

Great value; just what we needed.

Paul Bridge, former Chief Executive of Homes for Haringey